Sunday, January 21, 2007

Spot the Difference

Sometimes you have to see past what other people cannot.
You have to ignore what everyone else thinks and just give people a chance.
Everybody has flaws, and they are aware of them.
Very Aware.
Oftimes the only way they can make themselves feel better is by making you feel worse, if for a moment.
And when you know that, when you are aware of what they are doing, what good will it do you to rub it in thier face?
"Oh I don't take shit from nobody!"
Well good for you, and that helps you how?
Let them vent.
Let then laugh.
It'll give them a little boost, a little up in thier day.

What I can't stand though is when they take it too far.
When it turns spiteful.
When they try to pry something hateful out of every conversation.
When everything you say is something to poke fun at.
Then again, around that time everybody else too starts to notice what's going on.
And this person is oblivious to it.
Oblivious to the fact that while they're jabbing at you they're making a mockery of themselves.
And even if you told them, you might as well had not for all the attention they'll pay to you.
For all the good you tried to do them you're suddenly jealous and trying to make yourself feel better by stepping on them.
And they're "...not too stupid to see that"
Its all one vicious cycle.

Why bother then?
Because sometimes it works.
Sometimes you brighten someone's day by not rubbing their losses in their face.
By laughing at their jokes that arn't funny.
By listening to what they have to say without bettering them by one.

Give people a break.
We're so busy with our little popularity contests that we don't care who we hurt along the way.
We don't see what's actually being said and done.
In the end how much will it matter weather or not you said something clever about her that made everyone laugh?

Some one that you forcefully laugh along with?
Or someone that can make make you smile?
Spot the difference.


Joey said...


Joey said...


Joey said...

oops...clicked it twice.

Anonymous said...

Inspiring,Insightful. A wonderful look at the petty nature of our existence. This is how we derive our satisfaction, sadly but that's the way it is. As for letting it go, well you're a better person than I am but I'll try to do so in the future.