Saturday, January 27, 2007

Another Tag

So since Faa and Imp already decided who won "Lets tag Weema" I am responding to Faa THEN Imp...

What will happen to your e-mail when you die?
You know, I've often thought about that. I was even wondering if you know hotmail would give me some sort of prize for using my email for the longest time...
Urm... I guess it would be discontinued since I wouldnt use it.
I'll have no need for it when Im a ghost, I'll be able to annoy people in person, AND get my revenge on people that send useless forwords. [I WILL be a ghost - mind]

Did you try once to give the password to someone? If yes, what kind of relation that you have with this person to trust him/her and give him/her the key of your secrets?
Well, once. I had had a fight with my sister so I put a password on the computer and back then I thought I'd NEVER speak to her again. Always happens, you resolve to NEVER speak to them again and 10 minutes later...
Anyway, I decided to NEVER speak to her again and set the same password for my computer as my email. *rolls eyes* And then shalf an hour later she needed to use it so she came and asked me and obviously by then I had even forgotten what the fight was about and was in theresnowayimmoving book reading mode so I told her the password. She probably forgot though.
Does that count or have I wasted your time?

Your famous nickname among your Friends?
This is a whole nother tag...
See below...

Your age?

Your horoscope?
Capricorn, I've tried reading the predictions for me byt they NEVER make sense. When they do they're so generalised you could be giving advice to ANYONE...

Your qualifications?
Pronouncing Arabic real good
Balancing books on my head
Stubbing my toes

Your character "personality"?
This is a wierd question, ask someone else...

What travel means to you?
Beaches, Sightseeing, Hurrying, Fastfood, Cities, Monuments, History, Smog (Theres always somg), That air in the planes that makes you nose dry dry dry, clothes, big poofy hotel beds, eating and never gaining weight : ) and NEVER EVER shopping

What do you purchase?
Very little. But when I do it usually comes close to bankrupting my parents...

Features taken from your dad?
Facial Features (Except Eyes), height, hands. the art of losing things

Features taken from your mum?
Eyes, persistance, patience

The most 6 things you hate-
Cruelty to Animals
How some countries thing Human rights are a joke
When somebody turns the lights on the middle of the afternoon

The most 6 things you love-
Friends (Yes yes its cliche, but also true so BAH)
Solving a problem : )

What computer and internet mean to you
Communication and Education

You would like to pass this tag to:
Sadly I be the last to be tagged.

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