Saturday, December 30, 2006


It. Is. Humanly. Impossible. To. Do. More. Than. Two. Chapters. Of. Math. A. Day.
Its like you do one chapter, fine.
Two - tired.
By the time your'e halfway through the third one its like "You gotta be kidding me..." and slam the books shut.
I want to rip all my math stuff up.
This is my bajillionth revision of the book and my mind has decided to stop mathing.
I forgot how to add for a minute. I took it for a sign and decided to take a break.
So here I am breaking.
You know you can actually feel a physical shift in your head when you switch immediatly from differenciation to integration. Its like flipping a switch in your head back and forth, back and forth, back and... Ow
Also I need to get that revision book from Julia but when I'm going to brave the traffic and get it from her is beyond me...

A moment of shallowness - ESCADA!
I love that perfume - Escada Pacific Paradise - aaaaand *drum roll* Igotitformybirthday!

So here it is. Couldn't be bothered taking a picture of mine so here is one from the internet. Its a different box though...

I sprayed it on my wrist and now can't stop smelling it...
*sniffs wrist and melts*

I think my love for pink things, hearts and other girly stuff alternates with my love for black, silver and sleek things every year. I think the coming year is the girly one...

Oh "The Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan is very good if you're willing to put in the time. I am in the middle of the series but happened to come across a boring chapter (only the second of its kind in 4 books) and then had to study so my reading is at a standstill...

Its a lot easier to say "Sigh..." than to actually sigh, and easier to say say "Gasp!" than to actually gasp...
Also when you're really tired and you type in CAPSLOCK you get tireder.
Unless its just me.
No but it really does take a lot out of you.
I have something to say about cages and stereotypes but it'll take to long and I have to get back to math...
Wow I think this entry reads as rushedly as it was written.



My first ever photoshop attempt.
My mum was horrified at the choice of colour... :S
I asked my brother who had just stopped playing WOW what colour her skin should be and he not being bothered said purple. So purple she be. Like a night elf. :D

There was no way I was going to waste time doing her hair on such a low resolution picture. I had no idea how important that was. I couldn't put in half the deitails I wanted to because of it.
(the drawing isn't mine)

Also I used far too many layers and couldn't work with the colours properly. I learned how to use the burn and dodge tools though and how opacity makes a difference, and the difference between soft and hard brushes. All that on my first try! I'm so proud of me...
Really rushed...
Back to math...


Anonymous said...

Colouring in low-res drawings is perhaps too tall a first step, mate.

Try starting out simpler and working your way up. Get familiar with all the tools and filters, build a library of brushes.. the pen tool can be your best friend or your worst nightmare, depending on how well you can use it.

You'd enjoy vectoring, and you certainly have the patience to get into it. Unfortunately, there are no tutorials of a decent quality for vectoring - it's just one of those things that you can either do well or not. I can link you to something that teaches you the concepts, but after that, you're on your own to practicing and getting better, and adding detail and more layers to every piece.

(Stops talking now)

Sanaa said...

Gasp. ESCADA!! I have that perfume too! Isn't it absolutely gorgeous? =|

superpowerfulman said...

What is this Tecno mumbo jumbo.

Reema said...

Escada is the yummiest most gorgeousest thing ever...
*still sniffing perfumed wrist*
'Tis mumbo jumbo unless you
a)Know how to use photoshop
b)Have read GAJILLIONS of tutorials on photoshop
Vectoring I tried and I think I did good, just that it was awfully disorganised. I coloured as I went along and as a result had no idea which layer was which. So I read like 50 more tutorials and now am wiser. You can make layer sets!!:O
Will attempt a simpler picture with less colours and simpler lines and leave this one for later. It tries my patience though...

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Layer sets were a late revelation for me. A friend and I were designing a template for a website together, and I sent him a PSD to check out. He laughed his ass off for a few minutes and then told me that I could group layers into sets to organize better, rather than having about 60 layers called "Banner Filter 1", "Banner Filter 2", "Banner Filter 3" and so on.

If Photoshop doesn't test your patience, then you aren't trying. ;)

Joey said...

Beats me... tried using photoshop once. I didnt know what the hell i was doing.
Never touched it since.

Reema said...

That happened to me last year and I was going to let it go at that buuuut....
Instead I read every single tutorial I could get my hands on and at least now I know what's what.
Don't give up faa!
Tutorial your way to VICTORY!
I WILL conquer you photoshop!

Unknown said...

It *is* overwhelming at first. But yeah, either arm yourself with a bucketload of tutorials, or just play around with every tool and filter and get familiar with the program that way. There is no limit as to what you can do if you get good at it.

Joey said...

U have to teach urself...theres no other way.

Anonymous said...

thats amazzzzing