Friday, April 13, 2007

Hotdogs and Games

36 days and counting...

You cannot trust supermarket packaging.
So there I am minding my owm buisiness, being hungry and concequently taking out the sausages from the freezer.
They were the value pack, you know the ones where there are two packs taped together?
And you know how the tape will never come off no matter how hard you pull, managing to nearly get your fingers cut off but the TAPE WILL NEVER BREAK?
So I carry them across the kitchen and THE TAPE BREAKS.
The hotdogs land on my toe.
The one that was hurt.
And was recovering.
Those were a few of the most physically painful moments of my life.
And then it went away like it had never been.
This story was a waste of your time.

As for GETEX...
It was a total waste of time.
Others actually found something therebut there was no Pakistan and there was no good Canada.
Therefore while others were looking around considering thier futures my friends and I were playing sherades, bottle, and lets see who can get the heaviest bad andthe most free stuff.
Needless to say I won.
Sherades (is that how you spell it?) was fun though. Lots of fun.
I can sherade anything!
The bag thing turned out to be a bad idea seeing as we actually had to haul the stuff across the place for the better part of 2 hours...
Oh we saw the GEMS stall there and entertained ourselves by going there over and over and taking our schools brocheurs.
Go Julia for being the Bottle champion.
I got eclairs and a chocolate.
The chocolate melted in my pocket and upon cooling had my key, pin and pen coated.
Other than taht I managed to get:
  • A keychain
  • A flash drive
  • Pens
  • A Sudouku Cube
  • A mug
  • A T-shirt
  • A stringy thing
  • Baloons

It took nearly 15 minutes to get each. All that I couldnt get my greedy little hands on were the yellow smiley faced foam balls.

Other news:

I finally got all my papers together. And despite some of them being overdue I CAN SEND THEM NOW... :D:D:D

Be proud of me.

Everyone is leaving for university. :(

Oblivion is good so far but I don't like all the undergroundiness. And you have to cross HUGE distances to get to wehre you need to go. urgh!

Procrastination is inevitable isn't it?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

An Update Worth the Delay...


  • The phrase "hitori janai" appears really frequently in anime opening and closings.
  • Its creepy when people read blogs and the bloggers don't know they have. I know that's kinda the point but its still creepy.
  • Thanks to the little stalls at school all the girls were wearing identical clips on Wednesday and will have identical key chains/frames/door hangers.
  • Confident, ignorant people annoy me.
  • I miss a Friend.
  • Children of Men could have been done better.
  • No matter how open minded I try to be, something about that scene in Perfume was just plain wrong.
  • Long walks along the beach are bliss.
  • I was very late unleashing the power of the download.
  • Dubai is going to be where its at by the time we're out of university.
  • We have only have 50ish days left to the exams... :S
  • Davis, Khandji and Kim have gone mad ever since Mr. Abraham left. They're terrorising the girls.
  • Why am I applying to universities if I'm not even going next year?
  • The heat is back.
  • I like the heat.
  • I wish I knew my cousins better.
  • What would we do without stickynotes?

I think I'll go study some...

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Why is it that when you need to study just about ANYTHING is more interesting than what you are doing. Even things you wouldn't normally want to do as a past time...
With the exams less than a day away, I take out my books to study and instead manage to:

Do my eyebrows
Do some practice sketches
Read half a book
Bake a pie
Do my nails
Worry about how much I have to study
Check my application statuses
Read everyones blogs
Fiddle with my table lamp
Experiment with the hair straighener
Worry about how much I have to study
Get on the phone for over an hour
Stare at the wall behind my table - Theres a faint pencil line there, I dont think I can erase it becuase the eraser will smudge...
Find myself a new toothbrush
Download music
Organise CDs and Video cassettes
Practice signature
Worry about how much I have left to study

Yep and before I knew it 8 hours had gone by...
And now its a new morning and what do I do?
Write this entry and read some more book.
This is going to be frustrating.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The truth about Smith

Smith is a ghost.
He lives on the internet.
He can watch you through your monitor.
Smith is from Europe.
He died over 5000 years ago.
He was 67 when he died.
Smith is not even his real name.
You wouldnt be able to pronounce it anyway.
Smith was a scholar.
He likes telescopes and refuses to believe that the Earth is round.
When not floating around in cyberspace, Smith hovers behind people's backs.
He makes those sounds that they dismiss for the fan or the neighbors upstairs.
Do not be fooled.
It is Smith.
He does not like you.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Another Tag

So since Faa and Imp already decided who won "Lets tag Weema" I am responding to Faa THEN Imp...

What will happen to your e-mail when you die?
You know, I've often thought about that. I was even wondering if you know hotmail would give me some sort of prize for using my email for the longest time...
Urm... I guess it would be discontinued since I wouldnt use it.
I'll have no need for it when Im a ghost, I'll be able to annoy people in person, AND get my revenge on people that send useless forwords. [I WILL be a ghost - mind]

Did you try once to give the password to someone? If yes, what kind of relation that you have with this person to trust him/her and give him/her the key of your secrets?
Well, once. I had had a fight with my sister so I put a password on the computer and back then I thought I'd NEVER speak to her again. Always happens, you resolve to NEVER speak to them again and 10 minutes later...
Anyway, I decided to NEVER speak to her again and set the same password for my computer as my email. *rolls eyes* And then shalf an hour later she needed to use it so she came and asked me and obviously by then I had even forgotten what the fight was about and was in theresnowayimmoving book reading mode so I told her the password. She probably forgot though.
Does that count or have I wasted your time?

Your famous nickname among your Friends?
This is a whole nother tag...
See below...

Your age?

Your horoscope?
Capricorn, I've tried reading the predictions for me byt they NEVER make sense. When they do they're so generalised you could be giving advice to ANYONE...

Your qualifications?
Pronouncing Arabic real good
Balancing books on my head
Stubbing my toes

Your character "personality"?
This is a wierd question, ask someone else...

What travel means to you?
Beaches, Sightseeing, Hurrying, Fastfood, Cities, Monuments, History, Smog (Theres always somg), That air in the planes that makes you nose dry dry dry, clothes, big poofy hotel beds, eating and never gaining weight : ) and NEVER EVER shopping

What do you purchase?
Very little. But when I do it usually comes close to bankrupting my parents...

Features taken from your dad?
Facial Features (Except Eyes), height, hands. the art of losing things

Features taken from your mum?
Eyes, persistance, patience

The most 6 things you hate-
Cruelty to Animals
How some countries thing Human rights are a joke
When somebody turns the lights on the middle of the afternoon

The most 6 things you love-
Friends (Yes yes its cliche, but also true so BAH)
Solving a problem : )

What computer and internet mean to you
Communication and Education

You would like to pass this tag to:
Sadly I be the last to be tagged.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Spot the Difference

Sometimes you have to see past what other people cannot.
You have to ignore what everyone else thinks and just give people a chance.
Everybody has flaws, and they are aware of them.
Very Aware.
Oftimes the only way they can make themselves feel better is by making you feel worse, if for a moment.
And when you know that, when you are aware of what they are doing, what good will it do you to rub it in thier face?
"Oh I don't take shit from nobody!"
Well good for you, and that helps you how?
Let them vent.
Let then laugh.
It'll give them a little boost, a little up in thier day.

What I can't stand though is when they take it too far.
When it turns spiteful.
When they try to pry something hateful out of every conversation.
When everything you say is something to poke fun at.
Then again, around that time everybody else too starts to notice what's going on.
And this person is oblivious to it.
Oblivious to the fact that while they're jabbing at you they're making a mockery of themselves.
And even if you told them, you might as well had not for all the attention they'll pay to you.
For all the good you tried to do them you're suddenly jealous and trying to make yourself feel better by stepping on them.
And they're "...not too stupid to see that"
Its all one vicious cycle.

Why bother then?
Because sometimes it works.
Sometimes you brighten someone's day by not rubbing their losses in their face.
By laughing at their jokes that arn't funny.
By listening to what they have to say without bettering them by one.

Give people a break.
We're so busy with our little popularity contests that we don't care who we hurt along the way.
We don't see what's actually being said and done.
In the end how much will it matter weather or not you said something clever about her that made everyone laugh?

Some one that you forcefully laugh along with?
Or someone that can make make you smile?
Spot the difference.